Signs of Infection After Tooth Extraction

At Wells Family Dental Group, we perform extractions for a number of different reasons including wisdom teeth removal and severe tooth decay. We may also extract your teeth to create room for other ones to shift during an orthodontic treatment.

In most cases, the tooth extraction procedure goes smoothly and patients are back to their normal lives
in a few days. However, sometimes, infection does occur after a tooth extraction. Since infection
requires immediate treatment at our office, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the most common
signs. The most common signs of infection after tooth extraction include:

Pain and bleeding: While pain and bleeding is typical after an extraction, it shouldn’t persist for more
than 48 hours. If it does, the growth of bacteria likely caused an infection. Contact our dental office if
you experience bleeding for more than 48 hours so that we could help you get it under control and
prescribe a medication to treat it.

Swelling near the extraction site or on the face: If you notice swelling near the extraction site or on
your face, an infection is present. Swelling on your face signifies that your infection is spreading and
you need immediate treatment to stop it.

Severe pain: Although you may feel some discomfort after a tooth extraction, you should not be in
severe pain that continues. If you do experience this type of pain, you may have an infection and
should visit our office as soon as possible.

Wells Family Dental Group is pleased to offer same day emergency appointments. Therefore, if you
notice any signs of infection after your extraction, you should contact us right away at 919-266-5332.
We’ll help you control your symptoms and make sure your infection doesn’t spread.


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